A New Year's Resolution?
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2013
Ok, so I realize that I have not been a good blogger the past couple of months. Pardonnez-moi, s'il vous plait. I am hoping to change that, but can not promise anything. Aren't new year's resolution made to be broken? Well, I will try my best to keep you up to date with things going on currently in France and soon-to-be in the DRCongo. French language study has been enjoyable at times and yet very difficult. Progressively, I am getting better and hope to obtain much more before I leave. I have learned that spending time with people in cafés or having lunch together really helps. Recently, I had a break from school and visited some friends in Belgium. My friend Véronique was such an excellent hostess. We spoke french the whole time. She was such a blessing to me and so patient with my french. I learned a lot from her, as well. It was great to be a part of Christian Center in the Brussels area. It holds a special place in my heart as I lived there for four years. Christmas Eve and Christmas were memorable for me this year. I spent Christmas Eve with a friend from the Institute. We went out at 8pm searching for a restaurant to eat. Wouldn't you know that Tours became the quietest I have ever seen it. Nothing was open. We even tried McDonald's (which tells you that we were desperate.) and it was closed. The only two options was a Nadab Kebab and Quick (fast food). We ended up choosing Nadab Kebab. It wasn't anything to cheer about, but it was something to eat. We had a good time laughing. Christmas day was rainy and quiet, as well. I had a lovely lunch with some other friends here in Tours, where they served a turkey stuffed with cheese and ham. It was really good! C'est chouette! We spent the afternoon with our pastor and his family. What a fun time we had! Originally, we were going to "promenade"(most french people love to do this!) around a lake, but the rain ruined it for us. We ended up going bowling instead! Très amusant! Afterwards, we went back to Chez Pasteur where his wife and daughters taught us how to make crepes. All I can say is "Delicieux!"Christmas here in France is spent with family and New Year's is spent with friends. I had the privilege to spend New Year's Eve with my church and those who had no place to go. We had a great time eating, being entertained, and getting to know one another. There are a lot of hurting people, who just want/need someone to listen. When the New Year rang in, we kissed each other (on the cheeks) and wished each one best wishes and God's wonderful blessings. Back to New Year's Resolution...try to reach out to one person each day and give them a listening ear or an encouraging word. You never know what kind of difference you will make in their life. Have a blessed 2013!