My Life In Congo

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lose everything or lose your soul?

Lose everything or lose your soul?
Which would you choose? Recently, I was traveling on the East Coast, and wanted to make sure I had enough gas before entering a large city, that was not familiar to me.  I deviated from the highway in search of a gas station. It was a super windy day. I wanted to get the latch set on the gas handle so I could get back into my car, but it was broken,  I stood there pumping the gas, wishing it would go faster.  Before I knew it, the gas tank filled up and started overflowing onto my hand, my leg, into my heels, and onto the ground. The nozzle never clicked off. I walked into the mini-convenient shop in shock. The man behind the glassed-in counter was helping a woman, as another man with his daughter was talking on a phone.  When I explained to the man behind the counter what had happened, he told me to wait and then asked me to show him where the gas was outside. Then he proceeded to hand me a roll of toilet paper to help me clean up, while he watched to make sure no one was stealing from him inside the shop. I explained to him that I needed to wash out my shoe and leg, so that I would not have to drive with the gasoline smell in my car. He rushed inside and told me I could use the "out-of-order" bathroom. The man went
back to the counter and never did anything about cleaning up the gas outside. He was more worried about what was happening to the stuff in his shop.  As I shared this story with a  friend, she reminded me of Matthew 16:26:
    "And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul in the process? Is anything worth more than your soul?"  

A lighted match or a cigarette thrown into this puddle, could have been fatal. Lives lost. But the man was more concerned with the things in his shop. How often do we concern ourselves with things in our lives that truly don't matter.  Especially when all the Lord cares about is your soul and the souls of others. Will you give everything you have and everything you are to Him today?
80% of my monthly budget is raised! 

Thank you to all of the individuals and churches who have chosen to partner with the ministry in the Democratic Republic of Congo! If you have not already become a partner, would you, your church, small group, or family prayerfully consider becoming a part of what God is doing in training Congolese teachers, professors, and leaders.  Because of your support and prayers, I am able to go! Training is still needed, so that more students will hear the truth of God's Word and reach their communities to bring a transformation in their relationships, families, government, churches, schools, and personal lives.  Can you help? Would you give up something for souls to be won for the KINGDOM?
If you are already a partner, would you consider increasing your giving by $10-$20/month?
I just need:
  5 people to give $100/mo.
10 people to give $50/mo.
 20 people to give $25/mo.
  5 people to give $10/mo.

You can give on-line, by pushing the link to the right "Mission Giving" or email me at if you would like a form emailed to you.  I need all forms filled out and turned in before I can go.  My goal date to return is May 2016.
Picture of a Congolese classroom
Praise Reports
-Live are being touched through ministry here and in the DRCongo! People are being called to GO!

-The budget is being raised! Hallelujah!!

-My good health - Praise the Lord!

-Over 24,000 miles driven for ministry in 10 states (Car and driver doing well!)

Will you GIVE - GO - PRAY?

Thank you to all of those who gave so generously during the Christmas holiday. I am so blessed!
Marching in honor of 50 years of the A/G in Kinshasa
Prayer Requests
-Traveling mercies (I have a few more months of travel on my own)

-Reaching 100% of my budget by May

-God’s continued direction and His (God) ideas in reaching the 550-600 A/G schools in the DRCongo

-Finding Congolese teachers, to build a team, that are passionate about God & education to want to reach their nation through training other teachers in our schools.


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