"The Lord Reigns forever!"
“Rain! Rain! go away, come again another day…” Most of us have seen enough rain this spring to be happy with sunshine for the rest of summer. I know that I would not take the sunny days for granted. Recently, I was talking with the Lord about the amount of rain there had been over a period of a couple of weeks. I shared with Him my frustration of it being so gloomy & dreary and I just wanted to enjoy some sunshine, to brighten my spirits. While in a prayer service before a Sunday morning service, there was a song playing that sang, “God reigns, God reigns, God reigns!” This song brought a question to my mind, “How does God reign in my life?”My prayer became, “God reign in me! God reign in my day! God reign in my decisions, in my difficulties, and in my successes! God reign in all areas of my life!” In Psalm 96:10, it says, “Tell all the nations, ‘The Lord reigns!’ The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. . .” He wants to reign in your life more than ever. When you allow the Lord to “reign” in your life, it will never grow gloomy or dreary. He has wonderful plans and blessings to bestow upon you. Walk in His “reign” today, and you will never be the same.
The last few months have been busy. I have traveled over 10,000 miles, visited many churches, and have met some wonderful people. Thank you for allowing me to spend time with you and in the presence of the Lord, while in your churches. God is moving in ways that far exceed our imagination! How blessed I have been to spend time with family along the way, as well. I continue to be amazed at God’s faithfulness and how He continues to help me in this process. I couldn’t do it without Him.
At the current time, I am at 46% of my monthly commitments. $3135/mo. is still needed. If you would like to give a monthly commitment or a one-time gift, you can click on the "Missions Giving" tab on the right side of the screen.
The last few months have been busy. I have traveled over 10,000 miles, visited many churches, and have met some wonderful people. Thank you for allowing me to spend time with you and in the presence of the Lord, while in your churches. God is moving in ways that far exceed our imagination! How blessed I have been to spend time with family along the way, as well. I continue to be amazed at God’s faithfulness and how He continues to help me in this process. I couldn’t do it without Him.
At the current time, I am at 46% of my monthly commitments. $3135/mo. is still needed. If you would like to give a monthly commitment or a one-time gift, you can click on the "Missions Giving" tab on the right side of the screen.
Prayer Requests:
-Strength, wisdom, and peace for those who have been displaced in the Eastern DRCongo
-For the pastors and leaders of government in DRCongo and around the world.
-For the children and youth camps in the DRCongo, that God would move among them in amazing ways!
-Total Financial support to be raised. 54% still needed.
-Traveling mercies as I continue to travel to various states
-Preparation for Language school and the return to DRCongo
-Strength, wisdom, and peace for those who have been displaced in the Eastern DRCongo
-For the pastors and leaders of government in DRCongo and around the world.
-For the children and youth camps in the DRCongo, that God would move among them in amazing ways!
-Total Financial support to be raised. 54% still needed.
-Traveling mercies as I continue to travel to various states
-Preparation for Language school and the return to DRCongo