Joyeux Noёl et Bonne Année!!
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to all whom God favors.” Luke 2:14 (NIV)
Dear Family & Friends,
What an awesome proclamation this was for the humble shepherds to receive, while out in their fields guarding their flocks of sheep at night! Can you imagine being greeted by an angel of the Lord ‘and the radiance of the Lord’s glory’ surrounding you (vs.9) to give you one of the most glorious announcements? Would that get your attention? Then… “Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God…”(vs13) How many do you think that was? Are you still paying attention? I think they got the attention of every shepherd in a 100 mile radius! In the previous chapter, Luke1, tells us how Zechariah had been without words for months because of doubt in his wife, Elizabeth, being pregnant. It wasn’t until he wrote the name of his son on a tablet for everyone to see, that his words broke free and he began praising God. In verse 67, Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied. He prophesied about the coming of a Savior who would redeem his people and that his son, John the Baptist, would prepare the way of the Messiah.(vs68-79) The last two verses are so amazing! “Because of God’s tender mercy, the light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” Zechariah prophesied the night of Jesus’ birth, months before it happened! The night Jesus was born, God broke through the heavens with his armies of heaven and gave light to those in darkness and told them where to find the path to peace—JESUS CHRIST—born tonight in Bethlehem! The Lord Jesus Christ is still sending light down from heaven, in the human form of YOUR life. If you have accepted Jesus into your heart, believe he is the Savior of your life and for the world, and confessed you have sinned, then you are the Light of Christ. You were created for a special task in His Kingdom. As the shepherds spread the news of Jesus’ birth and the words of the angels, and John the Baptist would prepare the way for Jesus’ ministry, we are also given the task to proclaim the Good News of Christ’s return! Would you allow God to use you to bring light to those who are lost in this dark world? There is so much uncertainty & evil happening in the world, I sometimes find it overwhelming to know where to start. May the Lord help you to begin right where you are, with the people you are in contact with everyday! Open your heart to bring love, joy, hope, and peace to those who are so desperately searching for true happiness! May they find it in Jesus during this Christmas season.
Thank you once again to all my faithful supporters, for your continued prayer and financial support. It has been a privilege to share in many churches over the last 7 months during itineration. What a blessing! Please continue to pray for Monthly support to be raised, traveling mercies, for the Congolese and those who are ministering in the DRCongo, as there is much unrest in Eastern Congo. Pray for those in Congo who are sick with diseases like AIDS, malaria, typhoid, and polio, as most are unable to pay for treatment. If you know of someone who would like to give to the ministry in DRCongo or you would like to give on a monthly basis, please email me at or you can go online to I would love to have the opportunity to come and share in a service, small group, or event with adults, youth, or children.
May you and your family have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Joyeux Noёl et Bonne Année!!
Dear Family & Friends,
What an awesome proclamation this was for the humble shepherds to receive, while out in their fields guarding their flocks of sheep at night! Can you imagine being greeted by an angel of the Lord ‘and the radiance of the Lord’s glory’ surrounding you (vs.9) to give you one of the most glorious announcements? Would that get your attention? Then… “Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God…”(vs13) How many do you think that was? Are you still paying attention? I think they got the attention of every shepherd in a 100 mile radius! In the previous chapter, Luke1, tells us how Zechariah had been without words for months because of doubt in his wife, Elizabeth, being pregnant. It wasn’t until he wrote the name of his son on a tablet for everyone to see, that his words broke free and he began praising God. In verse 67, Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied. He prophesied about the coming of a Savior who would redeem his people and that his son, John the Baptist, would prepare the way of the Messiah.(vs68-79) The last two verses are so amazing! “Because of God’s tender mercy, the light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” Zechariah prophesied the night of Jesus’ birth, months before it happened! The night Jesus was born, God broke through the heavens with his armies of heaven and gave light to those in darkness and told them where to find the path to peace—JESUS CHRIST—born tonight in Bethlehem! The Lord Jesus Christ is still sending light down from heaven, in the human form of YOUR life. If you have accepted Jesus into your heart, believe he is the Savior of your life and for the world, and confessed you have sinned, then you are the Light of Christ. You were created for a special task in His Kingdom. As the shepherds spread the news of Jesus’ birth and the words of the angels, and John the Baptist would prepare the way for Jesus’ ministry, we are also given the task to proclaim the Good News of Christ’s return! Would you allow God to use you to bring light to those who are lost in this dark world? There is so much uncertainty & evil happening in the world, I sometimes find it overwhelming to know where to start. May the Lord help you to begin right where you are, with the people you are in contact with everyday! Open your heart to bring love, joy, hope, and peace to those who are so desperately searching for true happiness! May they find it in Jesus during this Christmas season.
Thank you once again to all my faithful supporters, for your continued prayer and financial support. It has been a privilege to share in many churches over the last 7 months during itineration. What a blessing! Please continue to pray for Monthly support to be raised, traveling mercies, for the Congolese and those who are ministering in the DRCongo, as there is much unrest in Eastern Congo. Pray for those in Congo who are sick with diseases like AIDS, malaria, typhoid, and polio, as most are unable to pay for treatment. If you know of someone who would like to give to the ministry in DRCongo or you would like to give on a monthly basis, please email me at or you can go online to I would love to have the opportunity to come and share in a service, small group, or event with adults, youth, or children.
May you and your family have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Joyeux Noёl et Bonne Année!!