Teaching is Multiplying
Teaching is my passion! I love to learn and help others learn, as well! My favorite part of being a teacher the last 16 years is when "the light bulb turns on!" The student's eyes get really big and it seems that connections are happening inside there head and they understand! I love that feeling too! What would life be like for people who could not learn or choose not to learn? Life would be plain dull! They would have no direction. When we learn, we make new connections in our network of brain cells. This enhances our mind, intelligence and sense of being. New learning brings new growth which can bring a lot of fatigue. (Have you ever seen a Kindergartener after their first week of school?) I found this out recently when I taught a course at a Bible school here in Kinshasa, in FRENCH! It was three weeks for two and a half hours a day. That may not seem long for you, but have you ever tried it? It was challenging and very tiring, but I made it! It probably wasn't pretty at some moments, as my students tried to understand my French, but we got through it! It was hard work to prepare and present the material, but it was all worth it when I had students responding and "light bulbs" starting turning on! Many of the ideas and activities were new to them and they were excited to participate! Here in Africa ideas are treasures! They want to learn and better their lives! They want to teach and show others their ideas. This experience continues to burn a passion in me to teach and learn! Not only in English, but in French and Lingala, and any other language that I can share the love of learning! My students were motivated to go and share their new learning! This is my mission...Training Teachers. Transforming Generations. I can't reach the whole world. I can't reach ALL of Africa. I can't reach ALL of the DRCongo. I can't reach ALL of Kinshasa. BUT I can teach others to go and reach those places!! At the end of the course, I had students asking if I could come and train their children's workers and teachers. I told them I would love to come, but they could take what they learned and implement it into their churches! Teaching others is multiplying knowledge, which brings about growth! Have you ever heard the saying, "You learn something new every day!"? Well, you can! Here are a few pictures of what I love to do! The video gives you an idea of what chapel is like here! They know how sing, even without instruments!
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